Posted by Adem Erturk on

5 Tips for More Sustainable HVAC Systems

Sustainability is an increasingly growing trend in the HVAC system universe. People are seeking comfort at a reasonable price but are also committed to not damaging the environment. 

Finding the right balance and the right HVAC supplies and products can be challenging. It is recommended to talk to a professional and upgrade your HVAC units so you don’t waste valuable funds on energy bills that could be significantly lowered with the right equipment.

Sustainable HVAC units, particularly HVAC systems for commercial buildings, are the way of the future. Every building, residential or commercial, can significantly benefit from sustainable HVAC systems. 

#1. Don’t Neglect Changing the HVAC Filters

Energy-efficient HVAC systems for commercial buildings must regularly have their filters changed. This is also relevant for private use as well, as changing your HVAC filters is not just beneficial for health reasons, but has an important environmental impact as well. HVAC system sustainability hangs in the balance when filters are not changed regularly. 

Overall, there are three main reasons why changing HVAC unit filters is important. First off, it helps extend the life of your HVAC system; secondly, it improves your air quality; and lastly, it improves your system’s overall efficiency. 

#2. Get Yourself a Better Thermostat

A new thermostat will bring you additional comfort and convenience while also helping your HVAC unit run more efficiently. In the end, it comes down to energy costs, and if you upgrade and get the right thermostat, it will save you money in the long run. 

HVAC thermostats play a crucial role in controlling your HVAC system and allowing your commercial property to save when it comes down to it; this is true for private residences just as much as any other type of property, whether commercial or residential. 

Sustainable heating and cooling start with a smart thermostat that can cater to everyone’s needs efficiently and cost-effectively. Smart technologies are revolutionizing the HVAC industry with a better grasp on getting more out of your current HVAC system for less. A smart thermostat will use less energy, can be automatically adjusted, is programmable, and uses less power than its traditional counterpart. 

#3. Optimize Your HVAC Maintenance

sustainable hvac

A regularly maintained HVAC unit can last for a much longer period of time while simultaneously saving you up to 40% on costs related to repairs caused by an aging HVAC system. 

In addition, it will ensure that your HVAC unit works efficiently while it improves your air quality. A properly maintained system will also save you plenty on energy bills, but most importantly, a well-maintained HVAC unit will increase your employees’ productivity because a lot of issues related to productivity are directly linked to a malfunctioning HVAC unit and the resulting temperature imbalance. 

#4. Seal Your HVAC Ducts

Regularly cleaning your air ducts and properly sealing them can help you save up to 20% on energy costs. Sealing the ducts will ensure that your property stays a comfortable living environment throughout the year and no matter the outside temperature. 

It is important to note that a sustainable air conditioner system can only be achieved by sealing the air ducts to make sure that no cool or hot air escapes and energy is not wasted when compensating for the losses. This is especially critical in the summer months when the system is blasting. 

#5. Upgrade and Replace Your HVAC Equipment Regularly

The most efficient way to ensure that your HVAC system works properly is through regular maintenance. In addition, it is crucial to consult with professionals and upgrade your system periodically to ensure you get the most updated equipment for your HVAC unit. Newer systems are built with efficiency in mind and are generally more environmentally friendly than older models.

If your system is more than 10 years old, it is highly recommended that you update it as soon as possible. Newer HVAC systems don’t use harmful refrigerants, which translates to cleaner air. If your current system has poor levels of ventilation and filtration, this could cost you more energy bills. 

Finally, most newer HVAC systems today come equipped with features such as the ability to filter allergens, which is an added advantage, particularly for people who suffer from allergies or asthma. 


Now that we’ve examined the importance of properly maintaining your commercial HVAC system, it is time to plan your next steps. Please contact us at Blackhawk Supply so we can help you achieve clean air while saving you money on your energy bills and unnecessary repairs to your HVAC system. 

It is important to act now to ensure your air conditioning sustainability, especially with the summer months on the horizon. A professional can help you maintain your HVAC unit and make sure your air ducts are clean and sealed off, your filters are regularly changed, and you get the best thermostat to help your HVAC system run smoothly and efficiently even during peak periods of the year. 

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